

« Hadrathus was a slim figure, masked in a black cloak with a hood. This the man threw back, disclosing a pale oval of a face, with calm, delicately chiseled features.

“The followers of Asura have secret channels of knowledge.”

“Men say the cult of Asura is a survival of the ancient Stygian serpent-worship. That is a lie. Our ancestors came from Vendhya, beyond the Sea of Vilayet and the blue Himelian mountains. We are sons of the East, not the South, and we have knowledge of all the wizards of the East, who are greater than the wizards of the West. And not one of them but would be a straw in the wind before the black might of Xaltotun.”

Hadrathus was as calm and self-possessed as ever, picking his way between rows of dead men and horses. »

Robert E. Howard - The Hour of the Dragon.

Painted By Martin Grandbarbe
Painted By Martin Grandbarbe
Painted By Igor22
Painted By Igor22
Painted By Darkromz
Painted By Darkromz
Painted By Khaali
Painted By Khaali
Painted By Guewen
Painted By Guewen
Painted By Mike Hobbs
Painted By Mike Hobbs
Painted By Dahkon
Painted By Dahkon
Painted By Tet2brick
Painted By Tet2brick
Painted By Le Ver Naturel
Painted By Le Ver Naturel