Giant Snake


« It was a gigantic snake, apparently carved of some jadelike substance. Each scale stood out as distinctly as in real life, and the iridescent colors were vividly reproduced. The great wedge-shaped head was half submerged in the folds of its trunk; so neither the eyes nor jaws were visible. (…) Conan admired the scaly torso, thick as his thigh and obviously of great length, and he reached out and laid a curious hand on the thing. And as he did so, his heart nearly stopped. An icy chill congealed the blood in his veins and lifted the short hair on his scalp. Under his hand there was not the smooth, brittle surface of glass or metal or stone, but the yielding, fibrous mass of a living thing. »

Robert E. Howard – The Devil in Iron

Painted By Martin Grandbarbe
Painted By Martin Grandbarbe
Painted By Martin Grandbarbe
Painted By Martin Grandbarbe
Painted By Igor22
Painted By Igor22
Painted By Witchou
Painted By Witchou
Painted By Darkromz
Painted By Darkromz
Painted By Guewen
Painted By Guewen
Painted By Dahkon
Painted By Dahkon
Painted By Aramil
Painted By Aramil
Painted By Roolz
Painted By Roolz
Painted By BelleLN
Painted By BelleLN